Rachel LaPorte
Rachel LaPorte
Highlights of my CrossFit career include being able to do double unders as a beginner (apparently I didn't jump rope as a kid), getting a 315lb deadlift PR, and kipping pull ups in workouts.


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

Burgener Strength

Birdbox Seminar

CrossFit Gymnastics

CrossFit Kids and Judges Course


Rachel LaPorte

In 2014, I began training in CrossFit and was immediately filled with a mix of excitement and complete fear. My only fitness background of recreational soccer as a kid did not prepare me for the rollercoaster of emotions CrossFit would bring. I had so many firsts and was overwhelmed by the support of the people around me. My background as a pianist and violinist has prepared me for the continuous pursuit of working towards even a 1% increase, but CrossFit challenged me in ways I never thought I would crave day after day. A few years in, I was encouraged to obtain my Level 1 to begin coaching. At the time, I was teaching Elementary School Music for grades K-6, so I was used to being in front of 30 kids - how bad could 12 adults be? I learned a lot through my internship and continued to fine-tune my abilities as a coach. In 2018 I obtained my Level 2 and it challenged me to be more succinct and direct in my coaching. I still strive to become a better coach 7 years in, currently studying for my Level 3 exam.

In 2022, my previous gym closed its doors after 8 years of memories, obstacles, and achievements. Since that point, I have had the amazing opportunity to mold the future of CrossFit Six Points into a reality. Opening a gym has never been an easy choice, but there is no doubt in my mind this is what I am meant to do.

Because I started as a complete beginner, I am passionate about helping every athlete find and achieve their next "win". I value relationships with each athlete, which I believe leads to mutual respect. Whether it is being able to hang from the bar or string together their ring muscle-ups, I want my athletes to always aspire to new goals and achieve them. Regardless of age, abilities, or any other factor.