Silvia Castillo
Silvia Castillo
If there are weights involved I’ll be down! Love Olympic Lifting and the bench press (unpopular choice but I love it!)


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2


Silvia Castillo

Growing up I played basketball but mostly softball. There was never much I liked about the gym, until I found crossfit. I have had a long 8 year crossfit journey that has taught be so much about myself and my capabilities. I started off on a double green band for pull ups and it took me over one year to get my first unbanded one. It took me hours in a back room alone to learn to string together 10 double unders. Crossfit did not come easy to me, but showing up everyday paid off
I have found that the biggest enemy is comparison. Comparing yourself to others or to your former, younger self can lead to an unattainable happiness. Meet your body and mind where it’s at, set realistic, attainable goals…ad go get em!
I coach in hopes that members of our gym fall in love with a form of fitness that will keep them healthy and agile for future generations. Let’s hit those huge weights!!!….but let’s get there properly so we can hit big weights for years to come!